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An Annual, Amaranthus caudatus is the hanging or drooping amaranthus, the deep red variety also known as Love-Lies-Bleeding. Well-grown plants are spectacular bushy half-hardy annuals with large, almost tropical leaves, over and through which the familiar tassels cascade to the ground. Each of these fascinating crimson or purple tassels is a colony of tightly packed, tiny flowers and lasts for many weeks on the plant.
Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
Quantities from: £2.35

The Amaranthus Caudatus 'Love Lies Bleeding' Seeds is shown in Flower Seeds > Annual Seeds.
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Sowing; Sow in late spring or early summer. Amaranthus seeds can be either sown early indoors or directly where they are to flower. They are susceptible to frost so be sure to sow only after the last chance of frost has past and the soil has warmed a little.
Amaranthus prefers high light levels after germination and prefer a sunny situation. They will tolerate some shade but should receive sun half the day or more.
Sowing Indoors; Seeds may be started indoors at around 21°C (70°F) 6 to 8 weeks before it is safe to plant outside, Sow into pots or trays filled with finely sifted compost. Lightly cover seed with soil, and make sure the seedlings have plenty of light and protection from cold. Germination is usually around 10 to 14 days.
Seedlings should be ready to transplant in three to four weeks depending on cell size. The plants grow quickly and each cell will need to be potted on fairly soon to prevent premature flowering. Transplant to 7cm (3in) pots containing sieved compost to grow on Transplant outdoors in late May or early June into moist, well-drained soil, 30 to 45cm (12 to 18in) apart.
Sowing Direct; If sowing directly where they are to flower, prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth. If sowing more than one annual in the same bed, mark the sowing areas with a ring of sand and label. Ensure that any weeds are removed, especially during the early stages of growth. In cooler climates they will grow faster under a cloche or plastic tunnel.
Sow in early summer when soil temperatures are above 21°C (70°F). Sow thinly 1mm (¼ in) deep in rows 30cm (12”) apart. Thin out once they have reached 5cm (3in). The seedlings will appear in rows and can be easily told from nearby weed seedlings. Continue to thin the seedlings out so they are finally 30cm (12”) apart by early summer.
Cultivation; Pinch out the centre stem to encourage side branching. Water regularly and fertilise with a water soluble balanced fertiliser. The plants are surprisingly stable for such an apparently top heavy plant, however if grown in an open, more exposed situation, a bit of support will help you to enjoy this plant right through until autumn.
At the end of the season leave a few plants to die down and self seed, others can be pulled up and composted.
Cut Flowers; The botanical name of Love-Lies-Bleeding derives from Greek and means 'unfading flower'. This is an accurate description as the flowers are very long lasting cut flowers and they can be easily dried to extend the amount of time that you get to enjoy them.
For fresh flower arrangements, cut amaranths when three quarters of the flowers are open on the stem. They will last 7 to 10 days in a vase. If you want to dry them, harvest when the seed begin to set and the flowers are firm to the touch. Cut and hang upside down for at least 10 days preferably in a warm position. High heat during the drying process allows the flowers to better retain their colour.