Micro Clover Euromic Very Low Growing Micro Clover Trifolium Repens Seed

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The variety 'euromic' is a specially bred white clover for lawns. It is characterized by an extremely low growth habit (upto 6 inches) and almost no flower formation with regular use. An excellent match for the standard lawn mixtures and is ideal for natural lawns, by using 'euromic', the fertilization can be significantly reduced and the lawn supplies itself with the necessary nitrogen. And with a high sward density, this creeping micro clover is able to reliably close existing gaps.

Normal dutch clover grows upto 2 foot high and the leaves can be several inches in width


Sowing rate if mixed with grass seed should never exceed 3% clover to grass

Sowing rate as a pure clover lawn is approx 5-7g per square metre

Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

  • 50g for £9.99
  • 100g for £14.99
  • 250g for £26.99
  • 500g for £34.99
  • 1Kg for £45.00
  • Quantities from: £12.99

  • Sowing rate if mixed with grass seed should never exceed 3% clover to grass Sowing rate as a pure clover lawn is Approx 5-7g per square metre

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    The Micro Clover Euromic Very Low Growing Micro Clover Trifolium Repens Seed is shown in Grass Seeds > Amenity Grass Seeds.

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    Micro-clover lawn – Micro-clover was developed for use in mixed lawns, to be added to grass seed blends, because it is more tolerant than the Dutch white clover to the very low mowing height so many homeowners insist on using on their lawns. In fact, even if you mow your lawn to 2 inches (5 cm), a height considered “scalping” in lawn care circles and which would rapidly kill taller clovers, micro-clover will actually thrive. In fact, to a certain degree, the lower you mow it, the denser it will appear. Although micro-clover was designed for mixed lawns and some sources warn against using microclover on its own, in fact, it has been tested as a stand-alone groundcover/lawn and does fine when used that way. And if a 6-inch (15 cm) lawn with a few flowers and a bit of bee traffic is not a problem for you, you could actually forgo mowing a micro-clover lawn entirely. There are several micro-clover cultivars, but ‘Jura’ seems to be the only one that is available in the UK. It is rarely available in local garden centres. 

     Sowing Micro-clover You can sow the micro-clover at pretty much any season, but ideally in the spring or early summer, when temperatures are still cool. If you plant it too late in the Autumn (October), it may not germinate until the following spring. To overseed an established lawn with micro clover, rake well, scratching the surface a bit and sow at a rate of about 5-6g per square metre. Keep the soil moist until germination. To start a new mixed lawn, prepare the soil by weeding it thoroughly and working the soil to a depth of about 3 inches (9 cm), then rake to even it out, removing and stones and debris as you go. Ideally, you would then also top dress with ½ to 1 inch (1 to 2 cm) of good soil, although that isn’t absolutely necessary. Mix 5% of mini-cover seeds into the original grass seed blend and broadcast sow. Rake lightly to work the seed in, then keep the soil moist until germination. To start a clover-only lawn, follow the general recommendations for a mixed lawn (previous paragraph), but sow only clover seed. Sow at the rate recommended by the supplier or at about 1 to 2 lb per 1000 ft (5-6g per sq metre ) of surface area. Maintenance The first year, water your micro-clover lawn in times of drought. There will be few to no flowers the first year. If there are places where the lawn appears sparse, just be patient. Usually clover will cover it with its creeping stems quite quickly. From the second year on, simply let Mother Nature take care of your micro-clover lawn. In particular, you will not normally have to fertilise it or if so, only every 2 or 3 years with a slow release fertiliser low in nitrogen. Mow a grass and clover lawn when the grass needs it. For a clover-only lawn, you really don’t have to mow at all. However, if you want extra-small leaves or to get rid of the flowers, mow every 3 or 4 weeks. When you mow, simply leave the clippings on the lawn. They’ll quickly decompose and help feed the lawn.