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A mix of common and rare native wild flowers with no grass, this is a suitable mixture for heavy clay soil types. It is essential to prepare a well worked seedbed which has been managed to allow the control and removal of aggressive weeds. The seeds should be spread evenly and sown at no more than 10mm deep. Sow between March and May, or August and early October.
Our 100% flower mix contains Yarrow, Betony, Common Knapweed, White Campion, Red Campion, Wild Carrot, Wild Clary, Ladys Bedstraw, Oxeye Daisy, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Ribwort Plantain, Cowslip, Selfheal, Meadow Buttercup, Yellow Rattle, Common Sorrel, Ragged Robin, Red Clover,Cornflower,Purple Loosestrife and Vetch.
Sow at 2-3g per square metre.
Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
Quantities from: £2.99

The Mix 31 Pure Wildflower Mix For Heavy Soil is shown in Wild Flowers > Pure Wildflower Seed Mixes.
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