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Offering a mild mustardly taste than increases as the wide serrated leaves mature, Mizuna is a quick growing oriental leaf. Adding to it's qualities are it's dual uses; baby-leaves can be used raw in salads while the larger leaves can be added last minute to stir-fries.
Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice.
Quantities from: £2.55

The Mizuna Micro Green Seeds is shown in Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Seeds > Vegetables.
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Germination; Sow direct Apr-Oct. Sow under glass Sep-Mar. Sow direct, 3mm deep into prepared soil. Sow under cover into pots filled with soil which have been soaked with water and drained. Sow 3mm deep. Germination takes 3 days. Transplant out 2-3 weeks from sowing with cloche protection if required. When plants establish thin to 10cm for babyleaf and 40cm for mature plants. Successional sow every 21 days.
Growing On; Prefers rich loamy soil with high water retention in an open position. Water well in dry conditions.
Cultivation Tips; Cut and come again variety than can be cut back 4-5 times with new growth being more resistant to frosts and snow. Simply cut with scissors as required when the plant is 5-10cm tall. Cut above the bottom set of leaves and do not cut the growing point. Can also harvest whole plants.