Organic Broccoli de Ciccio 100 Seeds

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The choicest, tastiest broccoli you will find. Large, blue-green variety, with heads 15–20 cm in diameter, is a standout for its great leaf cover, abundant side shoots and unrivalled heat-tolerance. Harvest the nutrition-loaded, health-giving beauties from spring until autumn
All seeds are packed into white foil sachets with sowing instructions

  • 1 Packet for £2.35
  • 5 Packets for £9.99
  • 10 Packets for £14.00
  • 20 Packets for £22.00
  • 50 Packets for £37.50
  • 100 Packets for £59.99
  • 250 Packets for £129.00
  • 500 Packets for £235.00
  • 1,000 Packets for £429.99
  • Quantities from: £2.35

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    The Organic Broccoli de Ciccio 100 Seeds is shown in Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Seeds > Vegetables.

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    We happily accept returns within 14 days from date of delivery. All returns must be received in the same condition and packaging we sent them. Postage charges will not be refunded on unwanted products.

    You are solely responsible for ensuring the goods are returned to us. We will not be liable for returns that are lost in the post or lost for any other reason. If a product arrives damaged we will advise the customer how to return the item with all return costs covered by us.  Replacements & refunds will be dispatched / issued on receipt of the returned items only.

    Sowing; Prepare the soil in autumn. Dig over, remove any stones, add some well rotted organic matter and firm. For early production sow indoors in Mar, plant out Apr harvest Nov. For direct sowing sow Apr-mid Jun for harvesting Jan-May. Sow indoors thinly into modules. Germination takes 7-14 days at 15-18°C. When seedlings reach 8cm they are ready to plant out. Water the day before moving and keep watered until established. Outdoor transplanting should be 25mm deep in a drill with 60cm spacing. Direct sow 12mm deep in rows 15cm apart. Keep watered. Once germinated thin to 60cm.
    Growing; Water for the first few weeks until established. Protect from Cabbage White butterfly and pigeons. Netting is ideal. Shake off any snow over winter. May require staking. Remove any yellowing or fallen leaves and burn to prevent fungal disease.