Premium Poultry Grass Seeds (Herb, Pasture, Meadow)

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All commercial free range birds must have access to outside forage during daylight hours. EC legislation requires that all poultry must have continuous daytime access to open runs which are 'mainly covered with vegetation' and with a maximum stocking density of 2,500 birds per hectare (1 bird per 4 square metres). This mixture contains red and white clover plus lots of other beneficial herbs,This makes a significant contribution towards voluntary protein intake to any foraging bird. The sward will provide good ground cover and a very stable, robust pasture providing the area is rested for 8 weeks during the growing season to allow for plant regeneration.

Sow at the higher rate for faster and more even establishment. 200g certified Sheeps Fescue 200g certified Hard Fescue 150g certified Red creeping Fescue 350g Hybrid Ryegrass lolium x bouchaenum 20g Bitter Blue Lupin 20g Sainfoin 10g Birdsfoot Trefoil 10g Aberpearl certified White Clover 10g Merula certified Red Clover 8g Burnet Forage Herb 4g Chicory Forage Herb 14g Vetch Forage Herb 2g Ribgrass Forage Herb 2g Yarrow Forage Herb 12.5 to 50 grams per square metre Sow March to October.

  • 1Kg for £12.99
  • 2Kg for £19.99
  • 5Kg for £37.99
  • 10Kg for £69.96
  • 20Kg for £119.96
  • Quantities from: £19.99

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    The Premium Poultry Grass Seeds (Herb, Pasture, Meadow) is shown in Grass Seeds > Agricultural Grass Seeds.

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