Ramsons Allium Ursinum Perennial Seeds

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APPROX 150 Seeds per gram

Allium ursinum' – Ramsons. Ramsons is a short perennial bulb which, in common with many members of the onion family, has a rounded head of star-like flowers. Also known as 'wild garlic', growing in damp woods and shady places, and bearing in spring loose umbels of up to 20 pretty, white, star-like flowers. A useful plant for naturalizing in woods and the like which, given half a chance, it will eventually carpet completely. 

Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

  • 110 seeds for £2.95
  • 400 seeds for £3.99
  • 5g for £5.75
  • 10g for £8.99
  • 50g for £34.99
  • 100g for £52.99
  • 500g for £239.00
  • 1kg for £428.99
  • 2kg for £750.00
  • Quantities from: £2.95

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    The Ramsons Allium Ursinum Perennial Seeds is shown in Wild Flowers > Wildflower Seeds.

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    We happily accept returns within 14 days from date of delivery. All returns must be received in the same condition and packaging we sent them. Postage charges will not be refunded on unwanted products.

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    Germination; Sow directly where they are to flower at any time of year, or sow indoors, then overwinter seedlings in the greenhouse and plant out the following spring. To sow directly plant seeds 20mm deep, winter cold will naturally stratify the seeds with seedlings emerging the following spring. To sow indoors surface sow onto moist well-drained seed compost, just cover with soil. Ideal temp. 18-22°C for 2-4 weeks. Then cold stratify -4°C-+4°C for 4-6 weeks then return to warmth 5-12°C where the seeds should germinate. Germination can be slow and erratic taking 18 days-12 months. Repeat warm/ cold cycle if germination does not occur. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots and grow on. Acclimatise for 10-15 days before planting out.

    Growing; Alliums thrive in sheltered, sunny, open, well-drained sites. They do not like cold, exposed or waterlogged conditions. Avoid planting in freshly manured soils. If your soil is heavy/ clay add grit to improve drainage.

    Cultivation; The leaves, which can be straggly, begin to die down at flowering. For this reason Alliums are best planted where their foliage can be masked by other plants. Pruning is not required. Lift and divide overcrowded clumps after the foliage and flowers have died down. Once flowering is over bulbs can be lifted and offsets detached. Replant offsets in their final growing position or grow on in gritty compost.