Sheeps Burnet Salad Burnet Sanguisorba Minor Perennial Seeds

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  • Sheeps Burnet / Salad Burnet Herb Seed (Sanguisorba Minor)
  • Sheep's Burnet or also know as Salad Burnet is a perennial forage herb
  • Great grazing quality and grows most of the year!
  • A soil improver that has a large tap root which draws up minerals/trace elements and stores them in the top layer of the soil
  • Winter hardy and drought tolerant
  • Will grow on most soils except heavy. Ideal for light soils due to its long roots that find moisture, also found on limestone / chalky soils.


  • 10g for £2.65
  • 50g for £5.99
  • 100g for £8.99
  • 250g for £17.99
  • 500g for £29.99
  • 1Kg for £54.99
  • Quantities from: £2.65

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    The Sheeps Burnet Salad Burnet Sanguisorba Minor Perennial Seeds is shown in Wild Flowers > Wildflower Seeds , Vegetable, Herb & Fruit Seeds > Herbs.

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    Sowing; Can be sown all year round. Direct sow outdoors in summer or in an unheated greenhouse during the autumn and winter months. Salad burnet can also be grown as an annual, sown in spring.

    Seeds can be sown directly where they are to grow, or can be sown indoors in pots and transplanted to the garden until a suitable size to plant out. Sow seed in a general seed compost. As salad burnet does not like being transplanted, sow in modules and take care when planting out in the prepared position. Cover the seed with a thin amount of compost, or vermiculite. Place in cold frame until a suitable size to plant out.

    Alternatively sow ripe seed in the autumn on a prepared site outdoors. Division of roots can take place in spring or autumn

    Cultivation; After planting Salad Burnet requires very little care. It grows to 30 to 40cm, (12 to 15in) in height and keeps in a clump form for quite a few years before it is required to divide.

    Harvesting; Cut back the leaves regularly to provide a supply of fresh leaves more or less all year round. Take care not to exhaust the plant, so grow several clumps if possible. Remove flower heads to retain the best flavour in the leaves. In very hot summers the leaves can become rather bitter. This is because the tannin contained is brought to the surface of the leaves. Cut back to promote new leaves.