Wild Clary Salvia Verbenaca Perennial Seeds

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Wild Clary in common with the more familiar garden Salvias has an open-mouthed flower, hooded above with a three lobed lower lip. The flowers are a soft purple to violet and are arranged in whorls on an erect, hairy stem. The grey-green leaves are wrinkled and ovate with toothed, pinnate or lobed edges. In common with many other Salvias wild clary is strongly aromatic and has been used in teas and as a flavouring. Wild clary is an attractive plant in its own right but it should not be confused with the much taller, showier and much, much rarer meadow clary (Salvia pratensis).

A perennial growing to heights between 30 to 90cms, it’s flowering months are June, July.


Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.

  • 350 seeds (1g) for £2.99
  • Quantities from: £2.99

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    The Wild Clary Salvia Verbenaca Perennial Seeds is shown in Wild Flowers > Wildflower Seeds.

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    Habitat; Wild Clary is a native, long lived perennial of well-drained, base-rich soils and can be found in open grassland on sunny banks and on stable sand dunes. In south east England it can also be found within churchyards probably because of the medieval practice of sowing it on graves. Although it can self-pollinate wild clary is highly attractive to a wide range of bee species and other pollinating insects.

    Growing; Sow in spring or autumn. Requires full sun.