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A relatively common and widely distributed plant in New Zealand, it is found in open situations on cliffs, along riverbanks and near the coast as well as in montane forests or occasionally even as an epiphyte. It grows as a dense cluster of narrow, yellowish or reddish-green leaves to about 1 m (3 ft.) tall. The inflorescences grow slightly taller than the leaves and hold many pretty, small, white flowers. It is an easy plant in cultivation and tolerates severe freezes. Seeds should be scarified before and cold stratified for 4 weeks after sowing.
A pretty deciduous perennial which is child and pet friendly, this is great for ground cover, potted and as an ornamental.
Pretty Wild Seeds are registered with the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) under number 7529, so you can have confidence in both our products and advice. Although our products are listed in weights and acres, we can supply in additional quantities upon enquiry so if you need a larger supply, please don't hesitate to give us a call.
Quantities from: £2.35

The Libertia Ixioides 'Mikoikoi' Seeds is shown in Grass Seeds > Ornamental Grasses , Rare & Exotic Seeds.
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Growing; You can start to grow Libertia in either spring or autumn. It is perhaps simplest in the spring. The seeds should be sown about 3 mm deep into flats. Then the seeds should be imbibed by placing the flats in a black plastic bin bag, then placing in the fridge for three weeks.
After this chilling sink the flats outdoors in the shade and cover with glass. As soon as seedlings appear (germination takes from one to six months), transplant them about 50 cm apart into a sunny part of the garden that has good drainage. Ideally the soil should be both moist and sandy.
Caring; Although Libertia likes to grow in sunny areas it should not be in an open area as the plant should be protected from strong winds. If you require more Libertia then they can be divided in the spring time.